Saturday, February 11, 2012

Here's a few more of our feathered friends


  1. Who's the little guy with the blue shoulders? Was out for a run this past Sat. at Derby Reach along the Fraser - heard a red-winged black bird and lots of littler birds, including your cd, but it's getting cooler again - typical mid-Feb.

  2. That little guy is, I believe, a Red Breasted Nuthatch - the "rude" picture is of his/her tail end. More info re the nuthatches here:

    You sure like your running. Must have something to do with one's anatomy - at any weight and/or condition, running has always been an uncomfortable activity for me - it's something I do only in extreme emergencies. I can walk, even rather rapidly, for hours but my flatish feet and other moveable parts complain at any faster pace.

    Been frigid here for the last week but maybe warming today. The main problem with the eastern winter is the danged freeze-thaw cycles that can sure wreak havoc on buildings and turn all outdoor surfaces into startlingly dangerous skating rinks. I don't leave home without my Yaktrax on!
